start the new year with a hint of MB after a long trip to an island off the coast of Australia promises great gains for astute investors. The adventure of his journey resembles a story of Indiana Jones.
"I just spent 40 hours traveling on 4 different planes, in nine different time zones ....
"I slept in a dilapidated" hotel "infested by mosquitoes and I walked into a jungle of" Jurassic Park "with 100% humidity. ...
" All for check quello che un piccolo gruppo di geologi sostiene di aver scoperto in una remota regione della terra: la scoperta di un colossale giacimento di gas naturale.
“La scoperta ha influenzato positivamente l’intero settore dei combustibili fossili.
“In effetti, l’ampiezza del giacimento sembra talmente grande che alcuni del settore la definiscono una truffa.
“Se i risultati geologici fossero solo la metà di quello che mostrano i test iniziali si possono ipotizzare guadagni del 1000% o piu’…
"But if it is a scam ... well ... those who invest in this discovery probably lose every penny.
"In my decades of experience in the oil and gas have never seen a situation where the stakes are so high.
"That's why I recently made to fly 12,000 miles around the planet to get first hand information on this discovery."
Could this see a test drilling of a natural gas well nella regione.
“E devo dire che il test di estrazione del gas è stata la cosa piu’ straordinaria che abbia mai visto durante i 13 anni come geologo e ricercatore di buoni investimenti.
“Quando hanno acceso il gas che fuoriusciva dal pozzo, si è prodotta una fiammata lunga 200 piedi e il rumore assomigliava ad un motore di un aereo…
‘Il calore fu così intenso che la giungla prese fuoco tutt’intorno per un paio di centinaia di metri.
“Nel linguaggio dei geologi, dal pozzo fuoriuscivano 700 milioni di piedi cubi di gas al giorno.
Il giacimento scoperto potrebbe avere un valore di $30 miliardi, che rappresenta 10 volte la capitalizzazione di mercato della società.
Ciò sostituirebbe in proporzione una società con una capitalizzazione di $3 miliardi.
“ E per fugare Suspicion has brought up the company Weatherford International, a consulting firm well known in the oil and gas so that occurred in the field. (Weatherford worked for 37 years in providing estimates and advice in over 100 countries ... also providing oil giants like Exxon estimates for its deposits. They have a great reputation ").
order to provide natural gas to large importers such as Japan, Korea, China and India must create the infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the voyage. why the company seems to be looking agreements and partners.
"Resources are new and need to be developed. The company is too small to build its own pipeline and its own refinery.
"And then some large oil companies have started negotiations to partner with this little company in exchange for a slice of profits.
"Japan's Mitsui, Petro China, the French Total el'indiana Petronet.
securities of this company could suffer a sharp rise in production to certain premises.
"* This small company has the rights to 3.9 million acres.
"* two wells have already been activated and there are 40 more scheduled
" * There are three other oil and gas still to be explored.
"The size of these deposits is extraordinary.
George Soros owns approximately 6.5% of the shares of this company, Wells Fargo has also done a good bet. It may take some years before the LNG liquefaction plants are ready but the openings of the wells and agreements with some of the big oil bodes well for the title too short and you will see a surge in the price remarkable.
of this company may purchase securities equities, options, futures, CFD can perform transactions and operations spread betting from 0.24 cents.
Part of the wonder of computer technology of today to be able to invest only 24 cents a point in a company of this type directly from your home computer or office.
And if you do not know, I can show you how.
Only in the month of December 2009 the stock gained $ 20
from $ 64 to $ 84 a share
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