At your kind attention
SUBJECT: Presentation society
Srl ITALY FOR YOU born after a strong and reasoned growth experiences in the agrifood sector.
Our goal is to promote the development of the agro-food industry by giving technical and commercial assistance to small and medium-sized farms and processing. 100% of our time is dedicated to the placement of agricultural products only from companies certified and monitored by our staff.
Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 our operators are at your disposal to collect orders and to provide you with professionalism and kindness every detail on the content, timing and manner of delivery of ITALY FOR YOU , vary depending on distance, we deliver all over Italy (including islands) in 24/36 hours order ..
ITALY FOR YOU LTD was created to give you the opportunity to buy at low prices every day fresh and packaged foods. I just harvested and processed products will be delivered at home or in the vicinity of a point 'with couriers.
Want to create a new neighborhood?
can get active with friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues
- enough to be at least 5 / 10
people - communicating the address esatto del nuovo punto di prossimità al nostro
indirizzo E-MAIL…italyforyousrl@alice.it oppure tramite fax al numero… 0623327744 ….visitate il nostro sito:italyforyousrl.blogspot.com
Siete un GASTRONOMIA o un esercizio interessato a RAPPRESENTARE I NOSTRI PRODOTTI ?
Contattateci al più presto, saremo lieti di stabilire una collaborazione con voi.
Quello che oggi vi proponiamo e’ il piacere di poter farvi assaporare la
100% latte di bufala
Le nostre mozzarelle sono realizzate esclusivamente con il 100% di latte buffalo raised in Caserta, an area famous for breeding and production of buffalo mozzarella. Finally, you can taste the real cheese, fresh and delicious, in less than 24/36 hours to your house, still warm, and then enveloped in a fresh pack of convenient travel in polystyrene. one least 5kg to 30kg max per shipment .
Mozzarella is subject to natural weight loss by about 10% in 24 hours, we will pack for you about 10% more product, so that when you get home, can receive the exact weight for the which you paid.
To enjoy the best product, it is advisable to immerse the sealed envelope containing the mozzarella and the liquid Government in hot water for about 15 minutes.
SUBJECT: Presentation society
Srl ITALY FOR YOU born after a strong and reasoned growth experiences in the agrifood sector.
Our goal is to promote the development of the agro-food industry by giving technical and commercial assistance to small and medium-sized farms and processing. 100% of our time is dedicated to the placement of agricultural products only from companies certified and monitored by our staff.
Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 our operators are at your disposal to collect orders and to provide you with professionalism and kindness every detail on the content, timing and manner of delivery of ITALY FOR YOU , vary depending on distance, we deliver all over Italy (including islands) in 24/36 hours order ..
ITALY FOR YOU LTD was created to give you the opportunity to buy at low prices every day fresh and packaged foods. I just harvested and processed products will be delivered at home or in the vicinity of a point 'with couriers.
Want to create a new neighborhood?
can get active with friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues
- enough to be at least 5 / 10
people - communicating the address esatto del nuovo punto di prossimità al nostro
indirizzo E-MAIL…italyforyousrl@alice.it oppure tramite fax al numero… 0623327744 ….visitate il nostro sito:italyforyousrl.blogspot.com
Siete un GASTRONOMIA o un esercizio interessato a RAPPRESENTARE I NOSTRI PRODOTTI ?
Contattateci al più presto, saremo lieti di stabilire una collaborazione con voi.
Quello che oggi vi proponiamo e’ il piacere di poter farvi assaporare la
100% latte di bufala
Le nostre mozzarelle sono realizzate esclusivamente con il 100% di latte buffalo raised in Caserta, an area famous for breeding and production of buffalo mozzarella. Finally, you can taste the real cheese, fresh and delicious, in less than 24/36 hours to your house, still warm, and then enveloped in a fresh pack of convenient travel in polystyrene. one least 5kg to 30kg max per shipment .
Mozzarella is subject to natural weight loss by about 10% in 24 hours, we will pack for you about 10% more product, so that when you get home, can receive the exact weight for the which you paid.
To enjoy the best product, it is advisable to immerse the sealed envelope containing the mozzarella and the liquid Government in hot water for about 15 minutes.
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