Amatissimi e numerosissimi,grazie per la vostra loving participation in the great contest of who and tell me 'the pedal black ......... I can not say too much but I anticipate that a competitor or a' close \\ to the solution but some answers are incorrect. The organizing committee has decided to anticipate the award of the winner of the quiz (the date will be 'announced shortly).
As always I can not respond to all messages but I'll do 'everything possible to satisfy all my loyal fans.
Now I have to leave, Milan and 'under the snow, prepare for tonight' s a beautiful snowman makes me happy to see people you launch snowballs ......... but me and 'came a question ????????
but in Milan it snows in August ??????? We will do a survey per risolvere questo problema!!!!!!
"Ma cosa mi avete messo nel caffe' "
Chi la cantava ????????? E' facilissimo
Cari sostenitori vi auguro una buonanotte,fatevi una domanda e datevi una risposta..........
Ciaoooooooooooo Miaoooooooooo Bauuuuuuuu
vostra Nini'
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