buon san valentino
Questo amore
Questo amore
Così violento
Così fragile
Così tenero
Così disperato
Questo amore
Bello come il giorno
And as bad as the time
When the weather is bad
This love so true
This love so beautiful
So happy
So gay
So mocking
trembling with fear as a child in the dark
So confident
As a quiet man in the middle of the night
This love that frightened other
What made them talk
What made them turn pale
This love spied
Why we spiavamo
Persecuted wounded walked killed
denied forgotten
Because we have pursued the wounded
killed trampled denied
This love Uncut
still so alive
And all sunny
E 'Your
And' I
E 'was what was
This new thing ever
And that has never changed
Vera as a plant
trembling like a bird
Warm and alive as the summer
We can both
Go back and
We can forget
and then fall asleep again
Awakening suffer aging
still asleep
Dreaming death
wake up smiling and laughing
and rejuvenate
Our love is there
stubborn as a donkey
live as the desire
Cruel as memory
Fool regrets as
tender as the memory
Cold as marble
beautiful as the day
Fragile as a child
He looks at us smiling
It speaks without saying anything
E io tremante l'ascolto
E grido
Grido per te
Grido per me
Ti supplico
Per te per me e per tutti coloro che si amano
E che si sono amati
Sì io gli grido
Per te per me per tutti gli altri
Che non conoscono
Fermati là
Là dove sei
Là dove sei stato altre volte
Non muoverti
Non andartene
Noi che siamo amati
Noi ti abbiamo dimenticato
Tu non dimenticarci
Non avevamo che te sulla terra
Non lasciraci diventare gelidi
Anche se molto lontano sempre
E non importa dove
Give us a sign of life
Much later at the edge of a wood
In the forest of memory
Arise immediately
tensioner hand
and save us.
Jacques Prevert
Questa e' la torta che ho fatto per
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