With the approval of the Gelmini Law Government concludes the process of destruction of the Italian university started with the Law 133.
In the name of modernization, and on the clientele and the fight against the Baron's death has worn Italian public universities.
overturned in the name of principles for use and consumption of neo-liberal rhetoric, this government puts the future of new generations of Italian universities and in private hands, remove the right to study, makes it even more precarious researchers, students and workers.
The reform of the university is emblematic for understanding the strategy of this government in tackling the economic crisis and the challenges of an increasingly globalized world, charging the costs of the crisis to those who did not provoked the most vulnerable social groups, taking away their rights.
We are told that in the name of an unidentified modern need to sacrifice the rights, tell us that to meet the challenge of globalization must yield to the ruthless logic of pure market and profits, sacrificing anything. The idea of \u200b\u200b
Gelmini, this government and Marchionne is to blackmail an entire country to satisfy the interests of a few.
They approved the school reform bill and the university by reducing to rubble the Italian system of public education, responding to thousands of students who have rallied to the crisis requires sacrifice.
Now ci vogliono convincere che per uscire dalla crisi bisogna smantellare i diritti conquistati dopo lunghe lotte.
Il movimento di questo autunno, nato contro la riforma della scuola e dell’università, ha invece dimostrato tutt’altro. Ha messo in difficoltà una classe politica corrotta, e un’opinione pubblica distratta da scandali sessuali e liti nella maggioranza, riportando il dibattito pubblico sul terreno dei diritti e del lavoro.
Gli studenti di oggi sono per la prima volta la generazione con meno prospettive rispetto a quelle passate, la generazione di chi sa che avere una laurea non significa trovare lavoro, di chi non può progettare il proprio futuro, di chi è costretto a fuggire all’estero to express their talents and to be valued.
the choice, or rather to blackmail, in a precarious future or escape abroad students have said no to it firmly and radical able to block the winning country and the solidarity of the citizens.
On 28 January, during the strike of metalworkers, we will once again into the streets to defend ourselves from attack by those who want to steal our future clearing rights.
to unite workers and students is contrary to the way the Government is addressing the effects of an economic crisis which is producing thousands of people, primarily between boys and girls are insecure, the system public and private sectors, the lack of real social guarantees by the state at a time of economic crisis like the one we are experiencing.
Workers and students are now victims of the same blackmail imposing order not to lose their jobs or to be able to have a precarious, to waive their rights and their dignity.
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