In queste settimane si sta parlando molto della questione di Fiat Mirafiori, dai giornali e dalle tv fioccano appelli dal mondo della politica, del governo, dalla Fiat, da Marchionne.
Si sta spiegando cosa sta davvero succedendo in questo tramubsto? Come al solito no.
Partiamo dall'ABC, cos'è la FIAT? La FIAT è l'azienda automobilistica più importante del nostro paese, è un'impresa multinazionale in quanto ha stabilimenti e vari rami di produzione in svariati paesi all'estero.
Chi è Marchionne? Sergio Marchionne è l'Amministratore Delegato della FIAT, ovvero colui che si occupa della gestione dell'azienda.
Cos'è la FIOM? La FIOM è il sindacato dei metalmeccanici della CGIL ed è il più grande del settore.
Detto questo, cos'è successo allo stabilimento FIAT di Mirafiori?
Ai lavoratori di questa fabbrica è stato imposto un "accordo" da Marchionne, lo stesso amministratore ha deciso di ricattare i lavoratori requiring a referendum on 13 and 14 January, to accept the agreement or not, if he wins the "no" Fiat will close the plant.
This agreement provides that:
- The right to strike is limited to the dismissal of workers
- Only trade unions that signed the agreement may have representatives
- The company decides what are the trade unions that may exist in plants
- The company does not pay the first few days of illness
- The 10-minute break lines are abolished
- The company can also work on holidays, days of rest instead of the canteen
- There will be 120 hours of mandatory overtime for workers
- workers can not bargain timetable for improving working conditions
- The National Agreement is deleted and replaced only by enterprise agreements
- The agreement applies to all FIAT
FIOM and support the CGIL in the fight against an agreement that is blackmail that violates fundamental rights of workers, constitutional rights and won with many years of struggle and union battles.
Limit spaces of democracy not to give voice to workers, worse health conditions with exhausting shifts the lines are not "recipes" for economy and are not acceptable in our country. The question of Mirafiori
involves us all, we gather around us students to workers and give them all our support, that referendum where they are forced to decide whether to become slaves or losing a job is an act of arrogance that we hope will give the best outcome in favor of NO which leads the FIAT to retreat to where they started.
Work is a right, not charity.
In recent months we have shared a lot of places, from October 16 to November 27, also on January 28 we will be side by side.
to defend and build a future together, to give answers to the crisis, not only economically, a country that deserves better.
We are working with the
We are the rights
We stand with those who defend them
We are with you.
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Proclamation FIOM the strike on January 28
Sostegno dello SPI-CGIL alla FIOM
Sostegno della FP-CGIL alla FIOM
L'accordo Marchionne
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