Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Theromostat Replace Labor

Letteratura 12 marzo 2008

Ciao Ciao, ultima lezione di letteratura per questa settimana! Gli argomenti di oggi:
  • L'epoca abbaside, la trasformazione della Qasida e poeti importanti di quest'epoca, such as Abu Nuwas , Abu Tamman, which in Arabic Qasida describes the famous victory over the Byzantines (it is also in the anthology Hamas).
  • The figure of this era of the caliphs, often accompanied by scholars and people of science.
  • The poetry of the occasion, love (as a physical act, contrary to precent ages, including homosexual background) Bachich and ascetic.
  • Poet A'rabt (crude), which replaces the term Su'luk (robber). The concept of hermeneutics
  • cynegetic Poetry (emphasis on animal figures) and a prominent Ibn Al Rumi.
  • Ibn Muntaz


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