Thursday, September 30, 2010
Life Expectancy For Advanced Throat Cancer

Obviously I'm not kidding ..........
Yesterday I decided to sell my little palace to humanity ', so' I can see and admire. Turn inside the Alhambra
allows you to dream and fantasize stories of all kinds and nationalities ....... 'has nothing to do but there is good, so the final sentence remains so. Unlike any complaints
to go elsewhere. Nini
must go, the sultan's calling, he wants "two bucatini all'amatriciana.
What a bore !!!!!
I know that soaking !!!!! A
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Birthday Invitation Requesting Gift Cards
Kidney Stone Near Bladder

We are students and students who have taken the school and the future.
We have left the rubble of a school sempre più insicura e precaria.
I tagli della 133 , non sono più delle cifre immaginarie, ma la realtà che ogni giorno viviamo nelle nostre scuole.
Tagliando 8 miliardi di euro hanno distrutto le nostre scuole, facendole diventare dei luoghi vuoti, privi di una funzione sociale.
La scuola che ci hanno lasciato è una scuola che ci dà sempre meno, che non ci da opportunità difuturo, ma che ci chiede sempre di più: dobbiamo pagare corsi di recupero e attività integrative, contributi “volontari” altissimi, essere a posto con il saldo dei debiti a fine anno e fare attenzione alla roulette del voto in condotta e delle troppe assenze.
La Gelmini Tremonti and justify their destructive work, saying that in a period of crisis such as this should cut all possible. But we do not believe that our schools can be run as businesses in financial distress, or which may be deemed as the knowledge and education of the chapters of the budget on which to cut cash.
school, university and research are the subject of indiscriminate cuts by the government, while the Gelmini says that everything is for the quality and merit, we see only fewer hours, fewer laboratories, fewer rights, fewer trained teachers and schools work worse.
We strongly believe that cutting the knowledge is a choice, not a necessity dictated by the choice of this government to eliminate any alternative cultural and critical thinking in this country, to eliminate the only places where one can still discuss and create change.
is why those who tell us that there is no money, we say that our country spends 23 billion in the military; 5 billion for major projects, 700 million per year for private schools and 20 million for fields training students for war.
We demand that this money is reinvested about us, about our future, our lives. We
Le spese a carico dei studenti e delle famiglie quest’anno hanno raggiunto cifre esorbitanti, fra il costo dei libri (in media 400 euro a studente), quello dei trasporti, i corsi di recupero e le attività extracurriculari a pagamento, frequentare la scuola è diventato un privilegio di pochi.
In un contesto di crisi economica che ha impoverito le nostre famiglie, tolto il lavoro ai nostri genitori, ridimensionato le basi sulle quali costruire i nostri sogni, dare a tutti l’opportunità di avere un’istruzione di qualità ci sembra l’unica alternativa possibile per uscire dalla crisi.
Per questo chiediamo misure straordinarie di sostegno al reddito per consentire everyone to study and achieve the highest levels of education, including a financing of at least 150 million to fund scholarships and remedial courses and that we work together with members of the school for a national framework law on the right to study limits early school leaving and facilitate access to education for all and all.
40% of school buildings was built between 1940 and 1974 and requires urgent intervention measures, but there are not any money for maintenance. We demand the modernized facilities, laboratories and gyms created (absent in 45% of institutions), che venga istituita un’anagrafe nazionale sull’edilizia scolastica e che ci sia un investimento straordinario triennale di 20 miliardi perché nessuno deve mai più morire sotto le macerie di una scuola!
La Gelmini dice di aver creato la scuola del rigore e del merito, ma il nuovo sistema di valutazione produce distorsioni e ingiustizie e spinge molti ad abbandonare precocemente gli studi.
Il voto in condotta e il nuovo sistema di accesso all’esame di stato sono solo delle operazioni demagogiche e inutili, che ci riempiono di rabbia se consideriamo quali sono i veri sistemi con cui nel nostro Paese si fa carriera: non il merito ma recommendations and favoritism!
say enough to the distortions of the reform of the evaluation of the lottery for access to a limited number of universities, we want an assessment that builds on and really help us to grow and that does not force us to abandon our course of study!
With the fake reform of the secondary tests are eliminated, reduced hours, discarded materials.
This reorganization has left schools in chaos, changing everything to not change anything. We demand that the system will be reformed with the introduction of the unit two years. We call for a teaching
new, abandoning the system of lectures and invest in new technologies. We
is abandoned the idea that technical and vocational schools are schools of series B.
and thought that are the incentive systems of alternating school-work and will be deleted an opportunity to fulfill their compulsory education through the apprenticeship.
We believe that compulsory education should be raised up to 18 years to combat early school leaving and promoting education in our country.
The government takes money from schools and it measures to open schools in the financing of local authorities and private individuals.
We ask that you delete the Scientific Committee, which leaves in the hands of private entrepreneurs and our schools, that student representation be implemented as they are doing and not dismantled.
We claim that there is an immediate funding of at least EUR 10 million for student councils, associations and projects developed by students for students.
Gelmini said that teachers are too many, this leaves out of work for more than 25,000 temporary, for most new teachers more formats than the current ones that remain alla porta.
Peccato che nelle nostre scuole gli insegnanti più che essere troppi sembrano pochi, visto che non si riescono a realizzare corsi di recupero, attività alternative o a tenere aperte le scuole il pomeriggio.
Non accettiamo questo licenziamento di massa, chiediamo insegnanti preparati e con un contratto a tempo indeterminato per avere una continuità nella didattica, primo presupposto per riuscire ad innovarla.
Nella finanziaria 2010 vengono azzerate tutte le forme di sostegno per gli studenti affetti da disabilità.
Questo, unito a provvedimenti populisti e razzisti come il tetto del 30% per gli studenti migrants, makes us understand how they want us to live in racist and inclusive schools.
applying for funding of at least 100 million euro for projects for the integration of new citizens.
Without adequate funding there is no reform possible, there are only non-existent cuts disguised as news.
A free school, where everyone can express themselves and realize their dreams is a prerequisite for a free future, free from the shackles of insecurity, illegal labor, exploitation and ignorance.
is why we demand that the investment in the areas of knowledge is increased at least at the level of that of other European countries!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Desert Eagle Illegal In Ohio

Disgusting war teach in our schools
The signing of the Protocol trained to life "signed between the school management of Lombardy and the commanders of the Army is just another piece of policy that this government is doing.
It is no coincidence that a protocol for the time being regional, which sees into nelle scuole l'esercito e il rigore militare sia supportato dal Ministro della difesa e il Ministro dell'istruzione.
Si delinea la chiara intenzione di allargare, in un futuro sicuramente prossimo, la materia para-militare a livello nazionale.
Mentre il Ministro Gelmini continua a tagliare i fondi dell'istruzione pubblica, dicendo che c'è bisogno di riequilibrare gli sprechi che ci sono nel settore più importante per costruire una futura cittadinanza consapevole, permette che in una regione del nostro Paese avvenga il finanziamento, da parte della direzione scolastica della Lombardia, di una materia che di formativo dal punto di vista didattico non ha nulla se non abituare gli studenti a seguire orders and not to contradict what we are told "from above".
The creators of this madness, trying to justify this project argue that the neo-fascist group work, created around the use of air guns, can lead to combating bullying, but this is definitely not the way to counter this phenomenon, this fact only serves to incite to violence.
Moreover, while the Ministry of Education continues to praise his fake reform of the education system by cutting the core subjects, laying off temporary workers and teachers, putting at risk the lives of students every day by forcing them to follow classes in overcrowded classrooms, destroying the future of thousands of students failing to ensure quality training, is concerned to ensure that hundreds of students from the Lombard is taught to shoot and make war, it is not acceptable.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Farm Lessons A Horse Is A Horse

It 's very sad to see that the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, is more concerned to make a good impression with the Vatican rather than limit the damage done by the school reform Gelmini.
On the other hand, we can not blame him, because it was the Minister of Education to deliver the proposal more "Devotee" of the millennium: a Bible for every student!
not surprising then that even here in the Veneto colleagues do most of the shoot to the immediate eco Gelmini.
We must remember that Italy is a secular non-sectarian? We must remember that it is not on the Constitution and the Bible that Zaia was sworn in?
Apart from these two aspects are not secondary at all because the State intends to finance the purchase of Bibles and not invest in the third area for vocational schools?
They just ruled that families will take the cost of the third area (300 to 600 €) forse è per concretizzare la Trasfigurazione della scuola pubblica in semi-privata?
In questo momento noi studenti non abbiamo bisogno di un testo sacro, a meno che la preghiera non salvi gli studenti dal crollo dei soffitti delle scuole o dai tetti in amianto, per cui il vero miracolo è non prendersi un cancro.
Eppure su questo, Zaia ha fatto voto di silenzio.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
La Roux Male Or Female

Come preannunciato, nelle prossime settimane entrano nel vivo alcune delle iniziative di mobilitazione del nostro sindacato.
An important date is the -hour strike that will be implemented in an articulate way until December 2010. It will initially be concerned the first lesson for the teachers of the school, the first hour of activity for university teachers and researchers, the first hour of service for technical and administrative-support staff.
The first hour strike will be made for all sectors of the October 8 - initially scheduled for October 4 - then will be implemented intermittently strikes every fortnight.
Note. Moving the date of the strike from Monday, October 4 to Friday 8 was rendered necessary by the of the findings made by the Commission to guarantee the right to strike (concurrent call for a strike by other unions).
The picture
I heavy cuts in schools, universities, research and Afam, the sharp deterioration in the quality of work in non-state schools and the devastating crisis of vocational training require answers to combat the height of the battle.
L ' opening of the new school year takes place in a situation of uncertainty where the figure is indisputable is that of a net depletion the quality of training.
The bill Gelmini and the attack on the university research bodies, conveyed by the law of reorganization and other measures, are already compromising the function of these institutions.
I systems education training and research are increasingly the focus of a process of decommissioning of the public role with the clear intention of the Government to facilitate an extensive process of privatization of knowledge. You want to go back in time not providing more access to learning for all as enshrined in our Constitution. There
is also an attempt to restrict the space of democracy in our sub logical to say authoritarian, centralist and bureaucratic means clear that the freedom of teaching and research, secularism and the autonomy of schools, universities and research institutions public.
What happens in the sectors of knowledge is the mirror of a regressive idea of \u200b\u200bsociety and social relations we want to impose this government and Confindustria. The stories of
Pomigliano and cancellation of the contract constitute a metalworkers deep laceration democratic rules and the loss of the universality of rights social institutions and contracts.
block of contracts and careers for three years, the law Brunetta, the freezing of seniority in the school with the intention to permanently delete them, are an integral part of the same design aimed at the destruction of the trade union confederation.
The objective is the elimination of any disagreement with the social devastation that is intended to say in our country.
For these reasons it is necessary to renew the RSU as coherent and decisive response to the narrowing of the spaces of democracy in the work and to recover every possible space of bargaining in the workplace.
Dobbiamo difendere le regole democratiche nel pubblico impiego quale condizione per una loro estensione nei settori privati.
Ogni lavoratrice e lavoratore deve avere il diritto di votare le piattaforme rivendicative e le intese e non può essere il Governo e il padronato a scegliersi i sindacato con cui trattare.
Nei settori della conoscenza stiamo vivendo una vera e propria emergenza occupazionale a causa delle politiche del duo Tremonti-Gelmini.
Oltre al licenziamento di decine di migliaia di lavoratori hanno provocato un'ulteriore processo di precarizzazione.
Fondamentale è la mobilitazione dei precari e bisogna sostenerla con determination, in schools and universities, research all'Afam from non-state schools to vocational training. The insecurity many are reassembled into a single overall design that combines the removal of uncertainty with the necessary changes to ensure greater value to our funds.
Equally important is the protest of university researchers who, together with the precarious and students, are the most affected by the bill Gelmini. The FLC maintains this mobilization was deemed central to reopen public debate on the role of the University and counteract nefarious policies of the government. In
research institutions, and in particular to the CNR, there is an ongoing initiative that unit will be relaunched and intensified in the coming days with a national appointment.
Priorities FLC CGIL ...
In this context, strongly confirms the negative, the FLC CGIL ' agenda of its priorities
- block cuts to return to invest in all areas of knowledge
- support the public role
- Overcoming insecurity in all public and private sectors
- reconquest of the national contract and the right to bargain decentrata
- Difesa delle regole democratiche e della rappresentanza in tutti i settori pubblici e loro estensione nei settori privati
- Rilancio del sistema pubblico di ricerca
- Costruzione di un sistema nazionale della formazione professionale
...e il percorso di mobilitazione
La FLC CGIL mette al centro della propria mobilitazione la qualità e la stabilità del lavoro per governare i necessari processi di cambiamento dei nostri comparti, dando così un anima ed un filo logico alle nostre rivendicazioni e ponendo le premesse per un nuovo patto generazionale che abbia come pilastri e in rapporto inscindibile, diritto allo studio, Welfare student and work quality.
The declaration of a national strike must therefore be an integral part of a process of struggle which must weave a strong initiative on jobs and the country with national dates in the coming days:
- Assembly of all RSUs the public to use the September 24,
- day of European mobilization September 29, characterized by the CGIL with the issue of insecurity in the world of knowledge, support
- manifestation of Metalworkers October 16 ,
- support student demonstrations,
- different initiatives on precarious ,
- assemblies in the first day of school, the
- week of action in the University, from October 4 , and research institutions public.
The next Board will consider convening a great national event in early November.
Entire our program must have strong connotations confederal seeking to maximize the convergence with all categories of the CGIL, from the FP, and will be important steps initiatives to be decided by the Steering Committee of the confederation of 16 and 17 September.
The convening of the General Assembly , whose preparatory work is already underway, will be crucial to the country to offer an alternative proposal to end the crisis, through the centrality of knowledge as the most important resource for economic and social development, building a wide network of social and political alliances.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Eastern Trail Diggers
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How Long Do Eye Drops Take To Work

Marriage Invitation Wordings Tamil

La nostra attività 'grocery wholesale "was born in 2010
the history of the major retailers that has distinguished itself for the organization and its presence in all countries with distribution centers and ITALIAN proximity points.
Through the ability to interpret the dynamics of modern distribution and to anticipate the needs of consumers, we have reached the general public, which has always found in our points near the quality and the wide choice of best products available in the market. With
SRL ITALY FOR YOU have chosen to offer the quality of service and experience in the distribution to promote and promote the restaurant world. The cool
The freshness and quality of our products are the result of experience and attention in the selection and delivery.
products distributed by SRL ITALY FOR YOU are chosen among the best on the market, stored according to the highest standards required by legislation and distributed in the shortest time, ensuring fast passages from producers to customers.
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Serve a good wine or a grappadi quality è segno di ospitalità e di esperienza e i nostri clienti sanno bene, perchè ITALY FOR YOU SRL presenta un ampia scelta di vini di tutte le regioni italiane e delle milgiori marche.
L’azienda ITALY FOR YOU SRL è fornita direttamente dai produttori vinicoli ed è continuamente aggiornata, per assecondare le diverse esigenze di abbinamenti gastronomici. Oltre ai vini ITALY FOR YOU SRL propone le grappe, selezionate tra le migliori distillerie ti tutta Italia e le birre più prestigiose.
Catalogo vini di tutta Italia
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Cucinare, servire, presentare le specialità gastronomiche e allestire le sale da pranzo sono attività che necessitano di attrezzature specifiche, moderne e appropriate per i diversi utilizzi e ITALY FOR YOU SRL è all'avanguardia con l'ampia gamma di attrezzi per la cucina e per la pulizia, la vetreria, le porcellane e gli accessori per la tavola.
Oggi ITALY FOR YOU SRL presenta un vasto catalogo di prodotti esclusivi, adatti a diversi tipi di attività, incontrando le specifiche esigenze dei ristoranti, delle pizzerie e dei bar che vogliono migliorare i tempi di preparazione e la qualità del servizio.
Per te che vuoi la consegna veloce della merce ordinata e cerchi la qualità e la selezione dei migliori prodotti, ITALY FOR YOU SRL è il servizio di approvvigionamento sicuro ed efficiente, because each job has specific requirements, we have acquired the 'experience and the ability to optimize the time and respond specifically to your every request.
For cooks, bartenders, hotel, pizza makers and staff canteens ITALY FOR YOU SRL has implemented its service delivery to be present with all fresh products' height of the highest standard of modern food, helping to enhance the work of our customers.
to get closer to our reality and figure out how YOU FOR ITALY SRL may provide an excellent service, do not hesitate to contact us.
You can choose how to talk to us:
Monday, September 6, 2010
Why Does Aedyn Eat Boogers?
Made of each edition in over 100 squares in Italy, the BioDomenica
can be called the most important national event for the promotion of organic farming
BioDomenica is a national event that takes place in organic producers
to encourage citizens the knowledge of organic farming and all the values \u200b\u200bthat it represents
. The BioDomenica is an opportunity to talk about organic farming, its
function to protect the environment, biodiversity, dell’alimentazione e del gusto, del risparmio
dell’acqua, del consumo responsabile, delle tradizioni e dello sviluppo locale.
Organizzata da Aiab, Coldiretti e Legambiente e con il patrocinio del Ministero delle Politiche
Agricole Alimentari e Forestali e del Ministero dell’Ambiente, la manifestazione si svolge ogni
anno la prima domenica di Ottobre.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Carhartt Vs Walls Dickies Vs Carhartt?
While we went to Udine, the street you could see the ominous clouds
, shortly after the lightning. It is known that
Udine and 'the city' more 'rainy' s Italy, but every time
cabbage that my husband and I go to a concert .. OPEN SKY !!!!!
Fortunately, the wind from the north east, that 'the bora wind has swept away the clouds.
The evening 'and is' saved, and the concert' was a success.
From the premise that both Degregorio are two songwriters that I have
musically accompanied during his lifetime.
Pero 'I've always had a soft spot for Frank Degregorio, his album
RIMMEL e' uno dei miei preferiti, conosco ogni singola canzone.
Per non parlare di GENERALE, LA DONNA CANNONE, ALICE e molte altre.
E come sempre quando vado a qualsiasi concerto , rimango un po' delusa perche'
mi aspetto di ascoltare le canzoni che piacciono a che non e' possibile, ma..
Il repertorio di Dalla, secondo me , e' stato piu' bello di quello scelto da Degregori.
Dall' album RIMMEL ha cantato Rimmel e BUONANOTTE FIORELLINO
(cambiandola completamente ....che delusione ).
Comunque a parte tutto e' stato un bel concerto , l'acustica era ottima,
il posto dove ero seduta mi ha permesso di seguire bene senza difficolta' ,
essendo io piccoletta come Dalla.
The two singers have given their best, and 'was a pleasure to hear.
And now here are my photos ...
are now racing to buy a souvenir to commemorate the 2010 tour of
BY - Degregorio.
I was uncertain on various shirts, Pablo and I liked 'alive ...
.... see you too are all fine, but I chose ........
holds so many memories .......
per aver ascoltato dell' ottima musica italiana senza tempo........
....purtroppo il tempo e' passato , guardandomi intorno ho notato che il
pubblico era over 40 ....( per essere buona...) ne ho io quasi 50.......
Alla prossima ....