Come preannunciato, nelle prossime settimane entrano nel vivo alcune delle iniziative di mobilitazione del nostro sindacato.
An important date is the -hour strike that will be implemented in an articulate way until December 2010. It will initially be concerned the first lesson for the teachers of the school, the first hour of activity for university teachers and researchers, the first hour of service for technical and administrative-support staff.
The first hour strike will be made for all sectors of the October 8 - initially scheduled for October 4 - then will be implemented intermittently strikes every fortnight.
Note. Moving the date of the strike from Monday, October 4 to Friday 8 was rendered necessary by the of the findings made by the Commission to guarantee the right to strike (concurrent call for a strike by other unions).
The picture
I heavy cuts in schools, universities, research and Afam, the sharp deterioration in the quality of work in non-state schools and the devastating crisis of vocational training require answers to combat the height of the battle.
L ' opening of the new school year takes place in a situation of uncertainty where the figure is indisputable is that of a net depletion the quality of training.
The bill Gelmini and the attack on the university research bodies, conveyed by the law of reorganization and other measures, are already compromising the function of these institutions.
I systems education training and research are increasingly the focus of a process of decommissioning of the public role with the clear intention of the Government to facilitate an extensive process of privatization of knowledge. You want to go back in time not providing more access to learning for all as enshrined in our Constitution. There
is also an attempt to restrict the space of democracy in our sub logical to say authoritarian, centralist and bureaucratic means clear that the freedom of teaching and research, secularism and the autonomy of schools, universities and research institutions public.
What happens in the sectors of knowledge is the mirror of a regressive idea of \u200b\u200bsociety and social relations we want to impose this government and Confindustria. The stories of
Pomigliano and cancellation of the contract constitute a metalworkers deep laceration democratic rules and the loss of the universality of rights social institutions and contracts.
block of contracts and careers for three years, the law Brunetta, the freezing of seniority in the school with the intention to permanently delete them, are an integral part of the same design aimed at the destruction of the trade union confederation.
The objective is the elimination of any disagreement with the social devastation that is intended to say in our country.
For these reasons it is necessary to renew the RSU as coherent and decisive response to the narrowing of the spaces of democracy in the work and to recover every possible space of bargaining in the workplace.
Dobbiamo difendere le regole democratiche nel pubblico impiego quale condizione per una loro estensione nei settori privati.
Ogni lavoratrice e lavoratore deve avere il diritto di votare le piattaforme rivendicative e le intese e non può essere il Governo e il padronato a scegliersi i sindacato con cui trattare.
Nei settori della conoscenza stiamo vivendo una vera e propria emergenza occupazionale a causa delle politiche del duo Tremonti-Gelmini.
Oltre al licenziamento di decine di migliaia di lavoratori hanno provocato un'ulteriore processo di precarizzazione.
Fondamentale è la mobilitazione dei precari e bisogna sostenerla con determination, in schools and universities, research all'Afam from non-state schools to vocational training. The insecurity many are reassembled into a single overall design that combines the removal of uncertainty with the necessary changes to ensure greater value to our funds.
Equally important is the protest of university researchers who, together with the precarious and students, are the most affected by the bill Gelmini. The FLC maintains this mobilization was deemed central to reopen public debate on the role of the University and counteract nefarious policies of the government. In
research institutions, and in particular to the CNR, there is an ongoing initiative that unit will be relaunched and intensified in the coming days with a national appointment.
Priorities FLC CGIL ...
In this context, strongly confirms the negative, the FLC CGIL ' agenda of its priorities
- block cuts to return to invest in all areas of knowledge
- support the public role
- Overcoming insecurity in all public and private sectors
- reconquest of the national contract and the right to bargain decentrata
- Difesa delle regole democratiche e della rappresentanza in tutti i settori pubblici e loro estensione nei settori privati
- Rilancio del sistema pubblico di ricerca
- Costruzione di un sistema nazionale della formazione professionale
...e il percorso di mobilitazione
La FLC CGIL mette al centro della propria mobilitazione la qualità e la stabilità del lavoro per governare i necessari processi di cambiamento dei nostri comparti, dando così un anima ed un filo logico alle nostre rivendicazioni e ponendo le premesse per un nuovo patto generazionale che abbia come pilastri e in rapporto inscindibile, diritto allo studio, Welfare student and work quality.
The declaration of a national strike must therefore be an integral part of a process of struggle which must weave a strong initiative on jobs and the country with national dates in the coming days:
- Assembly of all RSUs the public to use the September 24,
- day of European mobilization September 29, characterized by the CGIL with the issue of insecurity in the world of knowledge, support
- manifestation of Metalworkers October 16 ,
- support student demonstrations,
- different initiatives on precarious ,
- assemblies in the first day of school, the
- week of action in the University, from October 4 , and research institutions public.
The next Board will consider convening a great national event in early November.
Entire our program must have strong connotations confederal seeking to maximize the convergence with all categories of the CGIL, from the FP, and will be important steps initiatives to be decided by the Steering Committee of the confederation of 16 and 17 September.
The convening of the General Assembly , whose preparatory work is already underway, will be crucial to the country to offer an alternative proposal to end the crisis, through the centrality of knowledge as the most important resource for economic and social development, building a wide network of social and political alliances.
Source: www.flcgil.it
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