It 's very sad to see that the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, is more concerned to make a good impression with the Vatican rather than limit the damage done by the school reform Gelmini.
On the other hand, we can not blame him, because it was the Minister of Education to deliver the proposal more "Devotee" of the millennium: a Bible for every student!
not surprising then that even here in the Veneto colleagues do most of the shoot to the immediate eco Gelmini.
We must remember that Italy is a secular non-sectarian? We must remember that it is not on the Constitution and the Bible that Zaia was sworn in?
Apart from these two aspects are not secondary at all because the State intends to finance the purchase of Bibles and not invest in the third area for vocational schools?
They just ruled that families will take the cost of the third area (300 to 600 €) forse è per concretizzare la Trasfigurazione della scuola pubblica in semi-privata?
In questo momento noi studenti non abbiamo bisogno di un testo sacro, a meno che la preghiera non salvi gli studenti dal crollo dei soffitti delle scuole o dai tetti in amianto, per cui il vero miracolo è non prendersi un cancro.
Eppure su questo, Zaia ha fatto voto di silenzio.
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