The network of high school students Treviso condemns the statements made on the new propaganda material of student protests.
Point 4 of a leaflet signed by them and circulated in the city announces
want to revolutionize the plan of studies of literature and history as it is inconceivable che si tratti il periodo del novecento per tutto il terzo anno di triennio. Ritiene infatti che ciò lasci spazio alla faziosità antifascista di docenti e libri di testo".
Premettendo che nella quasi totalità delle classi finali dei Licei è difficilissimo arrivare ad affrontare compiutamente tutto il 900, una pagina di storia già difficile da comprendere nei sui limiti cronologicamente poco definiti e ancora apertissima nelle sue cicatrici non del tutto rimarginate, riteniamo GRAVISSIMO che si possa rilasciare materiale partitico che richiama apertamente agli anni più bui e terribili di quel 900 che obviously does not like to study as to who these people "not declared anti-fascist."
jabbering in these terms Fight Student offends those who fought to give to them and their cronies in the Freedom aprofittano; offend the hundreds of deaths that had Resistance Trevigiana bury; offends the religious and lay missionaries that protected risking their lives thousands of people who would otherwise have been deported to extermination camps Nazis and Fascists; offend all the citizens of our city and our Country, which bases its democratic essence of the Italian Republic on the Constitution, a Constitution fully antifascist based on the firm conviction to discrimination, to 'centralization of power, aggression to social autonomy, the war as an instrument of abuse of power over others peoples.
Evidently some people forget about these things, with the precise intention to restore the beatings to those who think differently, to those who live life differently, to those who believe in a god other than , who has a different sexual orientation.
who pursues a 'political action of this kind, legitimized by the partisanship of 'anti-fascism, before being a boorish Nostalgic of Fascism, is a coward.
Network of Students Treviso
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