Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Is Best Water Heater For Condo

27 novembre MANIFESTAZIONE NAZIONALE - Pullman dal Veneto per studenti

Our autumn is open in style with the crowded streets of 8 October, continuing the following week with the square of 16 together with the metal workers, supporting their struggles.

Another decisive step we experienced on November 17, during the World Day of the right to education.

Again and again we must raise our voice, our protest against the "reform" Gelmini
... is broader and we want to assert ourselves as a generation, a generation that now has only salted accounts payable and future hampered by insecurity.

We do not agree, we want to recover what we can count days by day, hope and dignity to a safe job, the ability to rely on our path to higher and university education, we want to have our voice, that voice is deliberately confused between talk shows and sermons that take Telese young people are considered only when a problem of alcoholism or drugs.

joined the demonstration of November 27 because we need a future, we need to regain it.

Together with the workers take to the streets of Rome to claim our right to have our say, to make us support even from those who are a bit 'bigger than us, joined together.


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Belluno : Francesco 3455861187

Conselve : Valeria 3467622371

Mirano : Marta 3409873692

Padova : Margaret Lucia
3489900988 3403480401 (for university)

Rovigo : 3401707483

Francesca Treviso : Alberto 3489551503

Venice -Mestre : Giulio Francesca
3292957430 3337683144 (for university)

Verona : Alessandro 3476478409

Vicenza : Doris 3454558446

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The Future is for young people and work. Rights and more democracy

November 27 - National Exhibition - Rome

To support the struggles workers and pensioners, and to look to the future of young people, the CGIL promotes a large national demonstration for November 27 in Rome.

Harnessing that marks a critical step in the great effort put in by the CGIL in the field this fall. A commitment that has seen protests from large sections of society: the way of knowledge, that the civil service, to get to day struggle of Metalworkers of 16 October.

Saturday, November 27, the CGIL called for expressions of each and everyone in Rome to ask for more 'rights and more democracy', and call center work, contract, claim development, equity and social justice and impose choices that make the country out of crisis.

A crisis for millions of workers is becoming increasingly untenable.

The government accuses the CGIL, in the two years since the economic crisis, did not bother either of the emergency employment, nor the revival of the production system, the only action has been advanced the systematic attack on the rights of labor.

Many were the focal points for mobilization, the first stable job and decent, even more threatened today the approval of the 'related work', the reform of social safety nets, long proposed by the CGIL, which can hold together inclusiveness, equity in contribution e sostenibilità economica; la contrattazione, che sta subendo un gravissimo attacco con le scelte della FIAT, di Federmeccanica e del Governo.

Altri temi centrali: l'equità fiscale, il welfare, il Mezzogiorno, il diritto alla conoscenza.

Due i cortei previsti nella capitale, che partiranno alle ore 9 da Piazza della Repubblica e Piazzale dei Partigiani e che insieme confluiranno a Piazza San Giovanni.

Una manifestazione dopo la quale, come ribadito dal Comitato Direttivo del 16 e 17 settembre, “misurate le risposte”, la CGIL “deciderà la prosecuzione della mobilitazione ed il sostegno alla Piattaforma, anche attraverso lo Sciopero Generale”.


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