November 27, CGIL national demonstration in Rome , 9.00 p.zza of Republic. We expect another big day of fight alongside the workers, are organizing buses from all over Italy, to topple this government precarious!
's the appeal:
We are young, we're students, we are working in the black, we are insecure and not eligible recipients of the scholarship.
We are 15 year olds, we are 25 years old, 20% of us left school, one in three is unemployed . One out of two
next year will no longer have the scholarship or not you will get it once again.
We unpaid interns, students exploited by internship and apprenticeship courses.
We are students from three months the streets, we mobilize , occupy schools and universities, not simply to block but to free .
We are citizens of a country that does not look at us, we consider invisible, that sees us as numbers and percentages , which we label as "big babies" and mob, as if the dynamics that cross there concern, not concern for girls and boys who live results of choices of yesterday and live on their skin those of today's choices.
A company built by our fathers and our grandfathers, which partisans have claimed a better tomorrow, which was based on social security on indefinitely, the right to education, achievements that have made Italy a civilized country, achievements that have built right to imagine and build a future , right now in danger of losing his memory.
are cutting back on our scholarships, the State Fund for scholarships in the last financial is reduced for the 2012 90% and 95% for 2013 .
The 100 million more for 2011 obtained as a result of our protests are not enough to guarantee a right guaranteed by the Constitution, that right is trampled every year.
It is shameful that in Italy there are the so-called eligible non-beneficiaries, students have the right to scholarship but do not receive it due to lack of funds , symbol of the commitment of our leaders on the future of young people .
With progressive cuts the number of students who are studying the possibility of losing increases from year to year , most of which is inscribed in University del Mezzogiorno .
I tagli ai fondi per gli atenei statali non stanno riducendo gli sprechi , ma solo riducendo i corsi di laurea, i progetti di ricerca, le borse per i dottorandi, i servizi per gli studenti, stanno comportando l'innalzamento delle rette universitarie.
Le residenze universitarie coprono appena l'1,5% della popolazione studentesca, buona parte di queste versano in condizioni fatiscenti e rischiano la chiusura per mancano i fondi per ristrutturarle.
I tagli alla scuola pubblica non comportano merito rigore e qualità, ma soltanto scuole closed, empty , lack an . Fewer hours, fewer laboratories, schools closed in the afternoon, and educational programs to stop fifty years ago, no experimental stages and school work unnecessary and unprotected, demotivated teachers, redundant, outdated, dilapidated buildings, this is the school and Gelmini decided to hand down to coming generations , this is the reality that every day we suffer.
We are a generation abandoned the country, which sees close the doors of public education and that when, with the difficult sacrifices, unable to finish their studies can be found in a jungle unpaid internship, master costs impossible and the world of precarious work that does not consider the knowledge and skills acquired, who thinks only to exploit them when they need it and when not to abandon are no longer useful.
The generational clash today is between students with radical ideologies and adults with moderate positions, but among young people with no prospect and fathers who have had what the children do not even imagine . We live in a retreat on the ground of our rights, which leads us to be only in a society that does not take.
But we see this indifference we do not want to accept our condition not want to be forced to leave our country. We want to study in Italy , build a future in our country , feel useful to improve it, live it without feeling marginalized and forced to think about a future outside its borders.
We want to turn into generational clash solidarity, we believe that the battle we are doing to regain future, starting from the right to study , not only because we see is not just our generation .
We believe that the future young people and the country covers all , fathers and sons, young and old, we believe that the demands of young people and students should have the voice of those no longer young, who is not insecure, who retired a ce or who has had the tools to study, graduate and see recognize their knowledge in the world of work.
We believe in a battle that solidarity is not only futile, but sharing and joint efforts, to show discomfort in this country who can not live , because it is student from a poor family, because it is un precario , perché è un ricercatore indisponibile, perché è un operaio che non vuole abbassare la testa ai ricatti, perché è un operaio in cassa integrazione o licenziato perché l’azienda de localizza; ma anche perché è un artista , un ballerino , un musicista , un attore che non può più svolgere il proprio lavoro perché non ci sono soldi o un giornalista, un magistrato , che non può raccontare la realtà così come la interpreta e vuole denunciarla.
Per questo sabato 27 novembre saremo in piazza insieme alla CGIL , High school students, college students, young people are insecure, to regain our future, regain the dignity of young people and students, regain a sense of responsibility of our country to look forward, in ' have a prospect of one day in which exceed the social divisions who are now proposing to force through the bitter social conflict that the Government has chosen to open.
The demonstration called by the CGIL occurs precisely during the resumption of the debate of the bill in parliament on the university Gelmini . Once before we were able to stop this infamous bill, October 14, with a big rally sotto Montecitorio.
Il 27 Novembre è l'occasione per manifestare ancora una volta il nostro dissenso contro il ddl , chiederne il ritiro e cominciare a discutere di un'idea di università che parta dal basso , dagli studenti e dalla comunità accademica, e che si basi su un'università pubblica , non ostaggio degli interessi dei privati, libera , senza barriere all’accesso, democratica , non in mano ai baroni, di qualità , perché possa davvero formare le coscienze, per tutti , non solo per i ricchi.
Siamo ormai arrivati ad un bivio, di fronte al quale il Governo ha scelto la strada della divisione sociale, dell'indifferenza verso il futuro.
Noi invece crediamo che la strada da prendere sia in direzione diametralmente opposta, e che tutti coloro che parlano a nome e in difesa di giovani e studenti, che ne vivano o meno la condizione di precarietà e di abbandono, scendano in piazza al nostro fianco, consapevoli che non ci fermeremo, che non siamo disposti ad abbassare la testa e a rinunciare al nostro futuro.
La generazione precaria abbatterà questo governo precario!
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