Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Kraftmaid Warehouse Lordstown

October 8, 300,000 students have blocked Italy claiming a school and a different country.
We have demonstrated to the Government and Gelmini do not accept to see our schools destroyed by senseless cuts.
From the first day of school students have declared war on anyone who thinks our lives a chapter of the budget to be cut to make money and to whom we are delivering the future and the facts of this precarious age ... and uncertainty.
Now is the time not to stop. We must promote real change.
I "sites of knowledge" come alive in these days in our schools and our cities, through self-management, coogestioni, occupations, school assemblies and towns, flash mobs, demonstrations, sit-ins.
I "sites of knowledge" are a tool to change our schools from the bottom, to restore meaning to those buildings combining protest and conflict to a real proposal, not imposed from above but thought by those who live it every school day and wants to rebuild really.
are laboratories in which the school must be rethought, starting from the structures, alternative education, through a new concept of representation and participation, to build a real right to education on issues of questioning the legality of secularism etc. ...
We want to start by the school and knowledge to rebuild an Italy now adrift, to recover the space in which to build a real democracy and participatory rights to return to the center and knowledge as a way out of economic crisis, political and democratic of our country.
We want to take to the streets on November 17 the idea of \u200b\u200bschool conceived by those who live with a shared platform that gives more power to the frontline of defense of public schools that took to the streets on 8 October.
Students, faculty, temporary workers, parents, are the only ones that can really change together and rethink a public school in the knee.
On October 30 we will be in place in Naples with the temporary school, building on 29 moments of participation, parades and flash mob with the slogan "we are the change that we were waiting, construction of knowledge to November 17" to give more strength to the voice of those who want a future and a present made of certainty, not uncertainty.
We are the change we've been waiting for.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ines Cudna, Ewa Sonnet

After the big day of student mobilization 8 October, we go to Rome side by side with workers and to support them in their struggle to bring our contribution to the event!
For info on the bus: 3489900988
To learn more about the reasons for the October 16, here's the link:
http://www.fiom.cgil.it / puntofiom/10_09_09-puntofiom-5.pdf
rights demonstrations
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Japenese Groping Movies
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Help Dahvie Vanity Hair Help!

La Rete degli studenti medi del Veneto a seguito della mobilitazione nazionale avvenuta ieri in tutte le piazze del Veneto, 8 ottobre 2010, ci tiene a sottolineare come alcuni eventi che sono stati riportati sui giornali (The two students who fell into a coma alcohol in Venice and Treviso in the fight unleashed) cases were unrelated to the mobilization itself.
The times when these unfortunate events have occurred were far from the end of the mobilization in the city of Venice (12.30) and Treviso (4.30), even if those facts are remotely connected to the demonstrators, we regret emphasis is given to them for the news, a highlight that from our point of view is purely instrumental and that attempts to obscure the real content carried forward from the event.
E 'an insult to the thousands of kids who have fallen to the streets yesterday, and whose motives were quite different.
If yesterday we took to the streets was neither to provoke fights, or to get drunk and "go beyond" if we took to the streets yesterday was to defend our future from a maneuver that the government is destroying. If this is too much, then we are happy to have done this over.
We would like to respond to statements made by students in the PDL: our state is not an embarrassing spectacle, but a great demonstration of responsibilities carried out by thousands of students took to the streets aware of why they did it.
on If it means leaving behind those who have economic difficulties also, we would like to say that the design undertaken by the students of the PDL is a distorted view and alarming if it means emptying completely rationalize the possibilities and peculiarities of teaching different schools, removing in fact the funds and turning a public school open to all in one private school in fact, it shows the disconnection from reality of those who have this vision.
Cut 8 billion euro is not rationalize, it lacks a public school that gives equal chances and opportunities regardless of economic conditions.
As for the violence to which students relate the PDL would like to emphasize that the network of high school students has always proved to be a non-violent and has always condemned all forms of violence from any political party, and right left.
We would also like to stress that the exploitation of certain violent acts carried out by a few large independent of the peaceful mobilization that occurred yesterday.
The students took to the streets to defend their future in the name of one who was not there yesterday.
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The statements of Hon. Giustina Right now the press releases are really haunting, sometimes a sign of how some politicians should be more related to reality they are supposed to represent, in this case that of Padua, before making nonsensical statements.
Mr accused the thousands of boys, who yesterday revealed to Padua, with a peaceful procession and colorful, he had just dirtied the streets and harassed citizens, as well as the use of "old slogan" from "political paraphernalia union-no-global-center-social "
While expressing sincere appreciation for the imagination of the Right in the elaboration certain definitions, we can not remain silent in the face of this series of gratuitous insults to all those students that yesterday in Padua, and elsewhere in the Veneto and Italy, have expressed strong enthusiasm and his opposition to school policies and the desire of the Government really change.
"The old slogan" are those which makes the Right, saying that we want to "just keep the worst of the school" and that we do not have "credible arguments, if you want a school that destroys the formless knowledge."
E 'want to keep the worst of the absurd to believe that there are school classes to 33 people that force students to stay even outside the classroom for lack of space, as Cornaro in Padua?
is not credible to say that it is a scandal that the government cuts free services, such as remedial courses, are now paying, as Mattei Conselve?
E 'maintain the worse the school report the situation of school in our territories, with classes in which it rains in with collapsing ceilings, as Rolando Piazzola sul Brenta? Perhaps Mr
was so busy inventing the grounds that "the measures of governments would modernizing the school, making it more European" not aware of what is reality di nostri istituti.
Chi distrugge il sapere è il ministro Gelmini ed il governo, che con i pesantissimi tagli hanno portato al collasso il sistema dell’istruzione pubblica, spacciando semplici riordini di strutture preesistenti come rivoluzioni sensazionali.
Noi della Rete degli Studenti Medi e tutti i ragazzi che con noi ieri hanno manifestato siamo quelli che il sapere lo difendono, che vogliono cambiare la scuola in modo vero e non a parole, che hanno proposte serie di riforma, dall’istituzione di un biennio unitario, all’aggiornamento dei programmi, alla sperimentazione di una didattica alternativa.
Tutte cose su cui siamo pronti a confrontarci in qualsiasi scuola Padua with Mr Right, also to bring to your attention a bit 'of reality.
Finally, as regards the call from the deputy prefect of the squares in the future deny us students, we believe that this will well understand his strange concept of democracy and free expression.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Brazilian Wax Results Pocs

Today, October 8, 2010, students took to the streets with the Network of high school students in the Veneto to say no to this reform and to launch a new year of mobilization.
the cry of "DESTROY THE SCHOOL, BUT NOT OUR DREAMS" thousands of students took to the streets and squares of the capitals Veneto.
The numbers speak for themselves, all the schools in the region were virtually empty and demonstrations, peaceful and colorful, full of students: 6000 in Padua, Venice and Treviso in 5000, 4000, in Vicenza, Verona and 800 in 1000 to Belluno.
The dispute has also achieved equal success in the rest of Italy: 80 provinces took to the streets with the Net
"Today we gave a great message of change to all those who accuse us of being partisan and said by-mob Venice Marco Zaba, regional coordinator of the Network - a part of these squares path within our institutions to develop proposals, ideas and suggestions for a new school and different.
Students have once again been able to give the right answer at the right time. "
Students can no longer support the government's indifference to the situation that the cuts are causing disastrous in schools.
Minister Gelmini continues to flaunt enough against our movement.
He said that those students are just old slogan, arguing that the movement is driven by forces that want to use the school as a place for political indoctrination of the left.
Nothing further from the truth: we are a non-party and cross-complaint, challenging and innovative precisely because it is so extensive. We expect
di essere ascoltati e di ottenere una scuola effettivamente di qualità e a misura di studente.
Non solo mirabolanti dichiarazioni.
Oggi abbiamo indossato i caschetti gialli: forti delle nostre proposte, infatti, vogliamo ricostruire la scuola, la nostra scuola. Una scuola che deve essere gratuita, in cui venga garantito il diritto allo studio, laica, multiculturale, con professori motivati e preparati, con una didattica innovativa.
Con noi sono scesi in piazza anche l'Unione degli Universitari, l'FLC – Cgil e anche varie delegazioni della FIOM - Cgil, a dimostrazione del fatto che non è solo la scuola superiore che deve essere riformata, ma tutta la società.
For this we reiterated our support to the streets in the event of 16 October in Rome.
This day may be remembered as one of the most beautiful in the mobilization organized by the Network of high school students in the Veneto.