October 8, 300,000 students have blocked Italy claiming a school and a different country.
We have demonstrated to the Government and Gelmini do not accept to see our schools destroyed by senseless cuts.
From the first day of school students have declared war on anyone who thinks our lives a chapter of the budget to be cut to make money and to whom we are delivering the future and the facts of this precarious age ... and uncertainty.
Now is the time not to stop. We must promote real change.
I "sites of knowledge" come alive in these days in our schools and our cities, through self-management, coogestioni, occupations, school assemblies and towns, flash mobs, demonstrations, sit-ins.
I "sites of knowledge" are a tool to change our schools from the bottom, to restore meaning to those buildings combining protest and conflict to a real proposal, not imposed from above but thought by those who live it every school day and wants to rebuild really.
are laboratories in which the school must be rethought, starting from the structures, alternative education, through a new concept of representation and participation, to build a real right to education on issues of questioning the legality of secularism etc. ...
We want to start by the school and knowledge to rebuild an Italy now adrift, to recover the space in which to build a real democracy and participatory rights to return to the center and knowledge as a way out of economic crisis, political and democratic of our country.
We want to take to the streets on November 17 the idea of \u200b\u200bschool conceived by those who live with a shared platform that gives more power to the frontline of defense of public schools that took to the streets on 8 October.
Students, faculty, temporary workers, parents, are the only ones that can really change together and rethink a public school in the knee.
On October 30 we will be in place in Naples with the temporary school, building on 29 moments of participation, parades and flash mob with the slogan "we are the change that we were waiting, construction of knowledge to November 17" to give more strength to the voice of those who want a future and a present made of certainty, not uncertainty.
We are the change we've been waiting for.
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