The statements of Hon. Giustina Right now the press releases are really haunting, sometimes a sign of how some politicians should be more related to reality they are supposed to represent, in this case that of Padua, before making nonsensical statements.
Mr accused the thousands of boys, who yesterday revealed to Padua, with a peaceful procession and colorful, he had just dirtied the streets and harassed citizens, as well as the use of "old slogan" from "political paraphernalia union-no-global-center-social "
While expressing sincere appreciation for the imagination of the Right in the elaboration certain definitions, we can not remain silent in the face of this series of gratuitous insults to all those students that yesterday in Padua, and elsewhere in the Veneto and Italy, have expressed strong enthusiasm and his opposition to school policies and the desire of the Government really change.
"The old slogan" are those which makes the Right, saying that we want to "just keep the worst of the school" and that we do not have "credible arguments, if you want a school that destroys the formless knowledge."
E 'want to keep the worst of the absurd to believe that there are school classes to 33 people that force students to stay even outside the classroom for lack of space, as Cornaro in Padua?
is not credible to say that it is a scandal that the government cuts free services, such as remedial courses, are now paying, as Mattei Conselve?
E 'maintain the worse the school report the situation of school in our territories, with classes in which it rains in with collapsing ceilings, as Rolando Piazzola sul Brenta? Perhaps Mr
was so busy inventing the grounds that "the measures of governments would modernizing the school, making it more European" not aware of what is reality di nostri istituti.
Chi distrugge il sapere è il ministro Gelmini ed il governo, che con i pesantissimi tagli hanno portato al collasso il sistema dell’istruzione pubblica, spacciando semplici riordini di strutture preesistenti come rivoluzioni sensazionali.
Noi della Rete degli Studenti Medi e tutti i ragazzi che con noi ieri hanno manifestato siamo quelli che il sapere lo difendono, che vogliono cambiare la scuola in modo vero e non a parole, che hanno proposte serie di riforma, dall’istituzione di un biennio unitario, all’aggiornamento dei programmi, alla sperimentazione di una didattica alternativa.
Tutte cose su cui siamo pronti a confrontarci in qualsiasi scuola Padua with Mr Right, also to bring to your attention a bit 'of reality.
Finally, as regards the call from the deputy prefect of the squares in the future deny us students, we believe that this will well understand his strange concept of democracy and free expression.
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