Saturday, October 9, 2010

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La Rete degli studenti medi del Veneto a seguito della mobilitazione nazionale avvenuta ieri in tutte le piazze del Veneto, 8 ottobre 2010, ci tiene a sottolineare come alcuni eventi che sono stati riportati sui giornali (The two students who fell into a coma alcohol in Venice and Treviso in the fight unleashed) cases were unrelated to the mobilization itself.

The times when these unfortunate events have occurred were far from the end of the mobilization in the city of Venice (12.30) and Treviso (4.30), even if those facts are remotely connected to the demonstrators, we regret emphasis is given to them for the news, a highlight that from our point of view is purely instrumental and that attempts to obscure the real content carried forward from the event.

E 'an insult to the thousands of kids who have fallen to the streets yesterday, and whose motives were quite different.

If yesterday we took to the streets was neither to provoke fights, or to get drunk and "go beyond" if we took to the streets yesterday was to defend our future from a maneuver that the government is destroying. If this is too much, then we are happy to have done this over.

We would like to respond to statements made by students in the PDL: our state is not an embarrassing spectacle, but a great demonstration of responsibilities carried out by thousands of students took to the streets aware of why they did it.

on If it means leaving behind those who have economic difficulties also, we would like to say that the design undertaken by the students of the PDL is a distorted view and alarming if it means emptying completely rationalize the possibilities and peculiarities of teaching different schools, removing in fact the funds and turning a public school open to all in one private school in fact, it shows the disconnection from reality of those who have this vision.

Cut 8 billion euro is not rationalize, it lacks a public school that gives equal chances and opportunities regardless of economic conditions.

As for the violence to which students relate the PDL would like to emphasize that the network of high school students has always proved to be a non-violent and has always condemned all forms of violence from any political party, and right left.

We would also like to stress that the exploitation of certain violent acts carried out by a few large independent of the peaceful mobilization that occurred yesterday.

The students took to the streets to defend their future in the name of one who was not there yesterday.


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