Today, October 8, 2010, students took to the streets with the Network of high school students in the Veneto to say no to this reform and to launch a new year of mobilization.
the cry of "DESTROY THE SCHOOL, BUT NOT OUR DREAMS" thousands of students took to the streets and squares of the capitals Veneto.
The numbers speak for themselves, all the schools in the region were virtually empty and demonstrations, peaceful and colorful, full of students: 6000 in Padua, Venice and Treviso in 5000, 4000, in Vicenza, Verona and 800 in 1000 to Belluno.
The dispute has also achieved equal success in the rest of Italy: 80 provinces took to the streets with the Net
"Today we gave a great message of change to all those who accuse us of being partisan and said by-mob Venice Marco Zaba, regional coordinator of the Network - a part of these squares path within our institutions to develop proposals, ideas and suggestions for a new school and different.
Students have once again been able to give the right answer at the right time. "
Students can no longer support the government's indifference to the situation that the cuts are causing disastrous in schools.
Minister Gelmini continues to flaunt enough against our movement.
He said that those students are just old slogan, arguing that the movement is driven by forces that want to use the school as a place for political indoctrination of the left.
Nothing further from the truth: we are a non-party and cross-complaint, challenging and innovative precisely because it is so extensive. We expect
di essere ascoltati e di ottenere una scuola effettivamente di qualità e a misura di studente.
Non solo mirabolanti dichiarazioni.
Oggi abbiamo indossato i caschetti gialli: forti delle nostre proposte, infatti, vogliamo ricostruire la scuola, la nostra scuola. Una scuola che deve essere gratuita, in cui venga garantito il diritto allo studio, laica, multiculturale, con professori motivati e preparati, con una didattica innovativa.
Con noi sono scesi in piazza anche l'Unione degli Universitari, l'FLC – Cgil e anche varie delegazioni della FIOM - Cgil, a dimostrazione del fatto che non è solo la scuola superiore che deve essere riformata, ma tutta la società.
For this we reiterated our support to the streets in the event of 16 October in Rome.
This day may be remembered as one of the most beautiful in the mobilization organized by the Network of high school students in the Veneto.
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